There was once a majestic lion who had fallen madly in love with a beautiful human maiden. The lion was strong and brave, but not nearly as sharp as his claws or teeth. Even so, he desired greatly to marry this young woman with whom he was so smitten and so went to ask for her hand in marriage. Upon seeing the ferocious beast, the young maiden’s mother nearly collapsed of fright, but her father, being a more shrewd and careful man stood his ground and demanded a single condition of the lion. The Maiden and the Lion “If you are to marry my daughter,” he began, “I cannot bear the thought that some harm my come to her from you, even by accident.” Although the lion began to protest that he was a very careful beast, her father presented his plan. “If you will agree to be defanged and declawed, I shall know that my daughter is safe and that you may wed.” This shocked the lion, and even sent a shiver of fear down his otherwise courageous back. Bei...