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Diving into the Assignments

After reviewing some of the assignments that we will be doing throughout the following weeks, my first impression was "Wow that is a lot of assignments!" At first I struggled to understand why there were so many.  I know that we don't have a class period where we meet and so I guess that this is a good way to keep us involved and thinking about the material throughout the week, instead of just every saturday afternoon when everything comes due. So it seems like I will be more engaged in this class than most of my other classes, simply because there will be a steady stream of little things to keep me focused on the material we are covering.  I am looking forward to really getting into the heart of this class and the readings we are covering.
Source: Flickr
*Edit: Changed everything to not be so salty


  1. Blake, there's still time to add/drop today, and if you can tell that this is not going to be a good class for you (using tools outside of Canvas, lots of writing, etc.), then by all means find a class that you will like better. Fifteen weeks is a long time to spend on a class if there is nothing about the class appeals to you! The new search at makes it easy to find Gen. Ed. classes (if you are taking this class for Gen. Ed.). I see the blogging as a way to connect, share, communicate, etc. (for example, learning what you like / don't like about the class so far)... but if it feels like busywork to you, my guess is that you will be very disappointed by this class. Since this is the last day of add/drop, now is the time to look for something you would like better!


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